Hi! I'm


Welcome! I am currently working as an associate software engineer in San Jose.



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Shop Spero

I build a website from the ground up with React and Chakra to open a virtual store showcasing Christian-themed merchandise as part of the remote marketing & sales solutions in response to COVID-19. I used React Router for navigation and React Hooks for specific component logic such as the image carousel on the landing page.

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I used React, Typescript, and Next.js to collaborate with other Berkeley developers and build a platform for planning remote team meetings. I implemented functionality and design of the landing pages, referral pages, and modular components build using Storybook, as well as implmeneting a feature for email suggestion for event invites.

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Pathfinding Visualizer

I created a site that helps the user understand pathfinding algorithms through visualization. This project allows for selecting different pathfinding algorithms (such as Dikstra's, A*, BFS, DFS, and Greedy), setting the start and end points, and creating walls through click and drag to replicate obstacles.


Web Dev at Berkeley
Full Stack Engineer, Present
Currently building the new iteration of Clicked, an edTech startup and beta platform, using the MERN stack and Next.js
Built out a user authentication system using JSON Web Tokens and coded Nextjs API routes for user registration/sign up and login.
Implemented the platform's backend with MongoDB and Nextjs, creating REST API's with protected routes that check for authentication as well as permission levels such as admin or coach.
Software Engineer Intern, Su 2020
Developed mobile application for event promotion platform with React Native framework and Google Firebase suites
Implemented the friendships feature among users: designed the interface for friend invites and restructured the noSQL backend from relationships in upper level collections to mappings within documents to make more efficient fetch requests
Rewrote the entire feature of creating events in order to allow users to customize tickets, guest list, and event personnel during event creation, and manage event settings later with React-Redux and state management
UC Berkeley EECS Dept
CS Academic Intern, Sp 2020
Instructed 50 students in 2-hour labs twice a week, facilitated discussion, and reviewed lecture and course material
Taught concepts like sort and search algorithms, complexity analysis, tree traversals, heaps, priority queues, and OOP
Answered student's questions about the course, giving advice on projects and debugging/troubleshooting student code.


james [dot] shin [at] berkeley [dot] edu

jamesjmshin [at] gmail [dot] com

626 625 2337